Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Patrones en inglés. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Patrones en inglés. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

Patrón foquita

All pieces are crocheted in the round (in a spiral). Use a stitch
marker or keep track of stitch count to keep your place.
Head and Main Body:
To help you orient the eyes and nose properly, the stitch(es) in
the center of the forehead are in bold (rows 1-6 only).
Ch 3. Sl st in first ch to form a ring. 6 sc through center of ring.
Row 1: sc, 2sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc (8)
Row 2: sc, 2sc, sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc (10)
Row 3: sc 3 times, 2sc, 2sc, 2sc, sc 4 times (13)
Row 4: sc 4 times, 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc (16)
Row 5: sc, 2sc, sc 4 times, 2sc, sc, sc 8 times (18)
Insert safety nose
Row 6: sc 5 times, 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc 5 times, 2sc (22)
Row 7: 2sc, sc 18 times, 2sc, sc, sc (24)

Row 8: 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc 3 times, (sc2tog, sc, sc2tog) 2 times,
sc 7 times (22)
Row 9: sc, 2sc, sc 5 times, sc2tog, sc, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc, sc2tog,
sc 3 times, 2sc, sc (21)
Row 10: sc 5 times, 2sc, sc, sc, sc2tog, sc 3 times, sc2tog, sc 6
times (20)
Insert safety eyes (in row 5, or use your own discretion)
Row 11: 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc 5 times, sc2tog, sc, sc, sc2tog, sc 5
times (20)
Row 12: sc, 2sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc 15 times (22)
Row 13: 2sc, sc 3 times, 2sc, sc 3 times, 2sc, sc 13 times (25)
Row 14-17: sc around (25) (for 4 rows)
Row 18: sc 15 times, sc2tog, sc 3 times, sc2tog, sc 3 times (23)
Row 19: sc 13 times, sc2tog, sc 3 times, sc2tog, sc 3 times (21)
Row 20: sc2tog, sc 9 times, sc2tog, sc 8 times (19)
Row 21: sc, sc, sc2tog, sc 4 times, sc2tog, sc 4 times, sc2tog, sc
3 times (16)
Row 22: sc 12 times, sc2tog, sc, sc (15)
Row 23: sc 4 times, sc2tog, sc 6 times, sc2tog, sc (13)
Stuff as much as possible
Row 24: sc, sc2tog, sc 3 times, sc2tog, sc 5 times (11)
Row 25: sc 3 times, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog (8)
Row 26 -27: sc around (8)
Row 28: (sc, 3sc) around (16)
Row 29 (flipper 1): sc 8 times. Leave remaining stitches
unworked (see figure A)
You will skip the other half of the round for now and insert
your hook into the first stitch of the row again (figure B)
Row 30-31 (flipper 1): sc around (8)
Row 32 (flipper 1): sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog (5)
Cut yarn, leave a long tail.
Insert your hook in the stitch that would have been the 9th
sc of row 29, had you not skipped that half. Pick up a new tail
of yarn and pull through (figure C)
Row 29 (flipper 2): sc around
Row 30-31 (flipper 2): sc around (8)
Row 32 (flipper 2): sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog (5) (figure D)
Cut yarn, leave a long tail, and sew remaining stitches
closed with a tapestry needle on both sides. Finish off.

(The brown string is my stitch marker)Front Flippers (make 2):
Leave a long tail before you start your chain.
Ch 8, sl st in furthest ch from hook to form ring.
Row 1-2: sc around (8)
Row 3-4: 2sc, sc, sc, sc2tog, sc 3 times (8)
Row 5-end: 2sc, sc, sc2tog 5 times (4)
Cut yarn, leave a long tail, and sew remaining stitches closed
with a tapestry needle. Finish off.
Sew front flippers onto body with a tapestry needle. Finish off.
If you used fun fur, you might want to give your seal a haircut.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Patron Bob esponja y su amigo Patrick (en inglés)

Encontré estos lindos patrones, espero que os gusten. Por cierto este Bob esponja no le he hecho yo, es del blog en el que está el patron , es que m estais poniendo que me ha quedado muy bien jeje, y el mérito no es mio, aunque si que quiero hacerlo para mi hermano que le encanta. :-p . Ahi os pongo el link para que podias coger las instrucciones. Y muchas gracias a todas por vuestros comentarios :-) me encanta leerlos.

Bob esponja


lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Mini coches

WW yarn- 4 colors: MC-main body, CC-contrast trim, W-windows, T-tires
Safety eyes, buttons, various trims- whatever you want to use unless
making for a small child, then embroider the features on. Needle & thread
F hook and stuffing
Top - MC working in rows
R1) Ch 6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 4 chs. Turn. (5 sc)
R 2-4) Ch 1, sc in each st across. Turn. (5 sc)
R 5) Ch 1, sc in each st across. Do not turn!
Rnd 6) Ch 1, work 5 sc evenly along ends of rows, 2 sc in next st, sc in
next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, work 5 sc evenly along ends of rows,
2 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in last st. Join and FO. (24 sc)
Windows - W worked in rounds
Join W in same st as joining and ch 1.
Rnd 1) BLO, sc in each st around. Join. (24 sc)
Rnds 2-3) Working in both loops, sc in each st around. Join & FO.
Attach MC in with sl st in joining st.
Rnd 4) Ch 1, (sc in 5 sts, dc in leftover corner loop from rnd 6 of top),
repeat. Join. FO. ( 20 sc, 4 dc)
Hood - MC- worked in rows
R 1) Join with sc in 1 of the corner dcs, sc in front loop only of next 5 sts, sc in dc. Turn. (7 sc)
R 2-5) Ch 1 sc in each st across. Turn until Row 5 and FO. (7 sc)
Trunk -MC - same as hood but on opposite side and Do Not FO
Sides- MC - in rounds
Rnd 1) Ch 1, 5 sc evenly across side of trunk, sc in 5 sts, 5 sc evenly
across side of hood, 2 sc in next st,sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, 5
sc evenly across side of hood, sc in next 5 sts, 5 sc evenly across
side of trunk, 2 sc in next st, sc in 5 sts, 2 sc in last st. Join. (48 sc)
Rnd 2) BLO, Ch 1, sc around. Join. (48 sc)
Rnds 3-5) Ch 1, sc around. Join. After rnd 5 FO. (48 sc)
Top and Side trim - CC
Using remaining free loops around top and sl st, ch 1 in each loop around,
repeat for side trim.
Tires - T - make 4 or use 4 big buttons
Rnd 1) Ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join. (6 sc)
Rnd 2) Ch 1, 2 sc in each st around. Join. (12 sc) FO leave tail and sew
onto car body.
Time to make the face
Add eyes, buttons, etc now, embroider mouth and eyebrows/lashes.

Bottom - CC
R 1) Ch 16, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 14 chs. Turn. (15 sc)
R 2 - 6) Ch 1, sc in each st across. Turn. (15 sc)
R 7) Ch 1, sc across but Do Not Turn! ( 15 sc)
Rnd 8) Ch 1, 7 sc across ends of rows, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 13 sts,
2 sc in next st, 7 sc across ends of rows, 2 sc in next st, sc in next
13 sts, 2 sc in last st. Join. (48 sc) Do Not FO!
Attaching bottom to top- stuff as you go!
Ch 1, holding both pieces together and lining up corners, work through
both layers and sl st, ch 1 in each st around. Join and FO.